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Approaching Faculty

Email Templates for Your UROP Search

The following are some sample email templates for use when reaching out to faculty and other researchers regarding potential UROP opportunities.  While it is always best to craft your own personal message, these examples should help you formulate what to include in your email outreach.

You can also feel free to reach out to UROP staff for additional advice and suggestions.  We have an open-door policy with students, so you are welcome to drop by our office in 5-118 (M-TH 10a-4p) or set up a time to meet virtually.

Sample Email 1

Subject: Meeting to discuss potential UROP opportunity Dear Dr./Prof. [NAME],

My name is [NAME] and I am a [CLASS YR] majoring in [MAJOR]. Briefly explain how you found out about the professor’s research and/or your interest in a specific project of theirs. I would appreciate the chance to talk with you or a member of your group about your research and the possibility of doing a UROP in your lab/group this [TERM].

Briefly state any relevant research experience, coursework, etc. I have attached my resume for your consideration. Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide. I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Sample Email 2

Subject: Interest in UROP with your group Dear Prof. [NAME],

I am a [YEAR, MAJOR] and I am writing to ask about opportunities for a UROP in your lab for [TERM]. I have conducted research on [TOPIC] with [NAME, LOCATION]. Express your interest in the faculty member’s area/projects and why you wish to do a UROP with them.

I have attached my resume to this e-mail, but if there is additional information that I have not included that you would like, I would be happy to provide it to you. Thank you for your consideration.



Sample Email 3

Subject: Interest in [GROUP/LAB NAME] UROP for [TERM]

Dear Prof/Dr. [NAME],

I’m a first year student thinking of/expecting to major in [DEPARTMENT/COURSE #] . While much of my academic focus so far this year has been on the GIRs and I don’t have a lot of research experience, I have a passion for [discipline name] and am extremely interested in finding a UROP that will help me develop hands-on skills and experience that can help me in my future coursework, research endeavors, and my future career.

Briefly explain why the group’s research interests you and/or specific research project or projects that lab is conducting that peaked your interest and why you are ping to gain research experience in this area.  I am very interested in talking with you or a member of your group about your research and the possibility of doing a UROP in your lab/group this [TERM].

Might you be available to meet sometime in the next week or two to discuss your research and UROP possibilities?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Sample Email 4

From University of Virginia, How to Sucessfully E-mail Professors

Dear Dr. Smith,

My name is David Wu and I’m a second year biology major at UVa. In my introductory and upper- level coursework, I’ve developed a passion for science and am extremely interested in pursuing independent research as an undergraduate. An extensive research experience will greatly help me consolidate my future career choice.

I am personally greatly interested in the molecular biology of stem cells. Recently I read your 2011 paper on the role of microRNAs in the differentiation of muscle stem cells and became fascinated by your work. In particular, I found it amazing that microRNAs can alter the fate of a cell in such a profound way. If possible, I would love to start working on a long-term project in your lab beginning this summer.

Would you be available to meet sometime this week to discuss your research? I would also be happy to volunteer in your lab for a few weeks before we commit to anything to see if this is a good match. My transcript and resume are attached in case you are interested. I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you, David Wu

Sample Email 5

Template from UC Irvine

Dear Professor X:

My name is Peter Anteater, and I am very interested in becoming involved in research in Subject Area. I am a X year student with a GPA of X. I have taken Courses and Additional Experiences. My goal is to Goal.

I have reviewed your faculty profile and am interested in the work that you have done. I was intrigued by your journal article, “Article Title.” It Additional Information about Topic. I would like to get involved in research in this area because it will help me to better prepare for Goals.

Would it be possible to meet with you to further discuss Topic and my possible involvement in research? I am available Days and Times. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, Peter Anteater