UROP Project Listing Template
This is a template to help you as you create your UROP advertisement listings.
Every listing should include:
- Project Title:
- Estimated hours per week: 5-10 (Semester) 30-40 (Summer)
- Lab/Department Name:
- Project Description, one or a combination of the following types:
- Project specific listings: We are seeking a student to work on [Project]. [1-2 sentences about the project]The student will be responsible for [at least 3 duties relating to the project]. The outcome of this UROP will be [the component they are contributing to]. Possible outcomes may include [list reach outcomes like publication, etc if that is a possibility for a student]. We are hoping the student will stay on for [x amount of terms]. More information about the project can be found here: [LINK]
- Seeking a student of a certain profile: an umbrella set of skills that can be useful in a laboratory or if you are interested in working with a first year student if applicable.
- Exploration of a new process, tool, and/or literature that you do not have the bandwidth to explore but that you need to be explored for the greater research agenda.