Project Planning
What makes a successful UROP project? A good UROP project should be one in which the student not only contributes to the research and opportunities to explore the field, but also one that has built in room for failure – since we all know research does not always pan out as expected.
There are a few other recommended project planning tips:
- For newer/inexperienced students, if there isn’t time or space for failure, then the UROPproject shouldn’t be an integral part of critical research or the supervisor’s thesis work.
- The project should build off the student’s field of inquiry and teach usefulfield/disciplinary skills.
- There always will be some busy/monotonous work in research, but…UROP students should also be doing some novel work and/or learning skills and techniques relevant to the field that will help move the project forward in some manner.
- For fall/spring term UROPs, since students often get busy in classes, we recommend that every UROP project has an MVP (minimal viable product). This MVP should be a contribution or set of duties that can be accomplished with less hours of effort a week throughout the term. This is because there are weeks that students will need days off for exams, etc and many tasks might take your UROP student longer than you!
- “Reach” goals are often accomplished with more hours per week on top of the MVP.
Within the project it is always a good idea to:
- Contextualize the student work within the bigger project, lab vision, or the field
- Relate this work to future potential internships, jobs or graduate school
- Add useful literature or network ties to the work — i.e is this work something that makesthem encounter people or things in the field that are key for their development?
For project planning, we strongly recommend a Facilitating Effective Research (FER) workshop, to always plan backwards from the goal of the project to the tasks needed each week. If you want to explore this topic in more in depth, we encourage you to sign up for an upcoming workshop.
While UROPing during the fall or spring semester is perhaps the most common, IAP and Summer term UROPs are also very common and a great time to devote to research.
How do you plan an IAP UROP?
How do you plan a Summer UROP?
Summer is an awesome time to UROP because classes aren’t in session, which means students can be full time (35-40 hours weekly) for approximately three months!