Common Foundation Courses for Students
This is a list of relevant courses for some common majors across some common technical requirements we see for UROPs.
Undergraduate courses are available here. It is important to note that every undergraduate —program is different, so if you studied Mechanical Engineering at another university it is very possible that you took slightly different classes, math requirements, or order of concepts than your UROP student.
Course 6 – EECS
- Math/NLP/AI/Signals/Sound: 6.034, 18.600, 6.036, 6.003, 18.200, 6.041, 6.042
- Development (Python/Server/IOT): 6.08, 6.00, 6.009
- Development (Web/Frontend/Fullstack): 6.148, 6.170, 6.031
Course 2 – Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanics: 2.001, 2.002
- Controls & Robotics: 2.003, 2.004, 2.007, 2.017, 2.12, 2.152
- Manufacturing & Product Design: 2.008, 2.009,
- Thermodynamics: 2.005, 2.006
- Machine Shop and Measurement: 2.670, 2.671
Life Sciences Skills
- Lab classes: 7.002, 7.003, 7.102, 20.109, 20.129, 20.345, 5.301, 5.310, 5.351, 5.352, 5.353, 5.363
- Computation and Statistics: 7.093, 7.094, 7.32, 7.33,
Common Math Classes:
- 18.03: Differential Equations
- 18.06: Linear Algebra
- 18.05: Probability and Random Variables
- 6.042: Mathematics for Computer Science
- 6.006: Algorithms
- 2.086: Numerical Simulation for Engineering
- 2.087: Linear Algebra for Engineering