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Faculty UROP Homepage System Help

The UROP application and review process is handled online and students must initiate online applications no later than 5 PM on the posted UROP deadline for the given term/mode of participation. 

Please note: the the system is NOT available between the hours of 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. EDT due to regularly scheduled server maintenance. Use of the UROP system requires authentication using MIT web certificates and DUO two-factor authentication Follow the instructions provided on the IS&T website.

Access your UROP homepage  

The system available at displays options to:

  • View proposals needing your review,
  • Search UROP projects (various fields are available to narrow queries),
  • Submit URN Credit Assignments, and
  • Submit Student Evaluations.

Reviewing Online Proposals

When applications await review, you will a message with a count of proposals requiring review under the Proposals in needing your review link.

  1. Clicking the link will provide you with the list of students with submitted applications.
  2. Simply click the link on a student’s name to review the application and the View Proposal link to read a PDF version of the student’s proposal.
  3. If any required fields are missing, then you will see an error message at the top of the page.
  4. To correct errors/omissions, click the Edit Application button and the Save Application button once edits are complete.
  5. At this time, you may either:
    • Approve and forward the application to your department’s UROP Coordinator for review by clicking the Submit to Department button, or
    • You may return the application to the student with a comment (e.g. need to expand/revise proposal, etc.). Note: when applications are returned to the student, s/he must initiate a new application and resubmit it to correct errors/omissions. Students will not be able to initiate a new application after the UROP deadline for the given term has passed. Contact UROP staff at: with any questions or concerns.

Searching UROP Projects

To look up current/past projects under your supervision, select the Search UROP records link. The search page allows you to find projects by year or year range, student name, student ID, UROP type, application status, and a number of other options. If you are unsure about the spelling of a given name, partial search is possible using the % symbol after a few letters (e.g. smit%) as this will retrieve all student records that begin with the given letter combination. You can customize query results by project detail, student contact information, or extract student email addresses. Query results can also be exported in Excel format.

Note: Only those UROPs that you have supervised from Fall 1995 to present are available for online viewing. 

Submitting URN Credit Assignments

If you have outstanding UROP URN Credit assignments to process, then you will see a Submit URN Credit assignments link. From this page, you have the option to either grant or deny URN credit for your recent pay and volunteer students that are awaiting transcript notation for their UROP participation.

  • To confirm satisfactory completion of these UROPs, please select the ‘Grant’ radio button next to each student’s name. Selecting the ‘Grant’ button means that the student will receive one unit of non-degree credit (otherwise known as a URN notation) indicating that undergraduate research was completed in your academic department. Note: Only students who have worked a full term, the equivalent of at least 80 hours per semester (equivalent to a six-unit seminar), should receive URN credit.
  • To deny this notation for a given student, please select the ‘Deny’ radio button and use the ‘Note’ field to enter the reason for denying transcript notation. Please note that the student will not see this comment, it will be viewable only to UROP staff. When you have finished granting/denying URN credit for the term, use the ‘Submit URN Credit‘ button at the bottom of the page to send your URN Credit assignments to UROP staff electronically. You will also receive a confirmation of your entries.

Note: Only students who are not assigned an explicit ‘Grant‘ or ‘Deny‘ will appear on your list for that term in the future.

Submitting UROP Evaluations

Faculty feedback is an important part of the UROP process. Your comments help guide our support of UROP projects, and help us identify the students best suited to represent MIT and UROP in public presentations to parents, alumni, and prospective students.

It is also very important that you give regular feedback to your UROP students on their performance, and we hope you will take this opportunity to do so.

  1. To submit outstanding UROP evaluations for your students, simply click the Submit Student Evaluations link.
  2. Clicking this link will display a list of student projects for which you have yet to provide an evaluation.
  3. For each UROP you have to evaluate, you will see a Provide Evaluation link in the Evaluation Needed column. Click this link to access the faculty feedback form.
  4. Answer all applicable questions. Then, hit the Submit Evaluation button. Once you have hit the Submit Evaluation button, it will be submitted electronically to the UROP staff.
  5. To access the next student on your awaiting evaluations list, you can simply click the Next Evaluation >> link at that top of the page.

To submit evaluations outside of the specified term range, or to amend an evaluation after you have submitted it, please contact UROP staff at